Americans for Limited Government protests Obama Administration’s unusually short public comment periods

Americans for Limited Government President, Bill Wilson, has sent public comments to the Obama Administration protesting extremely short comment periods for four separate Obamacare regulations.
Within a two week period, the Obama Administration, deluged the American people with nine Obamacare regulations.
According to Executive Order 12866, the regulation comment periods should be no shorter than 60 days:
In addition, each agency should afford the public a meaningful opportunity to comment on any proposed regulation, which in most cases should include a comment period of not less than 60 days. [Emphasis added.]
Four of the 9 regulations—the ones issued by the IRS—have reasonable comment periods of 90 days.
Of the remaining five regulations, only one has the recommended minimum 60-day comment period. The three of the remaining for have only a very brief 30-day comment period—including two that are due the day after Christmas! And the fourth has a mere 24-day comment period.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also submitted comments demanding an extension. The Chamber points out that two of the regulations were approved as early as August 1st and 6th—strong evidence that the Obama Administration delayed these rules to keep them from becoming an issue in this year's election.
Below are links to our four submitted comments.
ALG Extension Request for Multi-State Plan Regulation
ALG Extension Request for HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters Regulation
ALG Extension Request for Health Insurance Market Rules/Rate Review Regulation
ALG Extension Request for EHB Regulation